Heart Opening Bundle

Designed to open your heart to love, nurture self-love, and invite peace into your life, this bundle is a conduit for positive energy and emotional healing.

Benefits at a Glance:

  • Emotional Healing: Each element in the bundle works synergistically to support emotional healing, opening the heart to love and nurturing self-love.
  • Calming and Purifying: The Dragon’s Blood Sage with Lavender and Selenite Wand offer powerful energy cleansing, essential for creating a tranquil and loving environment.
  • Heart-Centered Support: The Rose Quartz Palmstone and curated essential oil Roller provide gentle, nurturing support, key for emotional balance and opening to love.
  • Peace and Relaxation: The carefully selected items in the bundle collectively work to calm the mind and soothe the heart, inviting peace into your life.
  • Tailored for Emotional Wellness: Each component is specifically chosen to aid in the process of heart healing and emotional wellness.

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