Life Beyond Hurt 8-Week Transformation Program

You’ve been buried in negative emotion for too long - now immerse yourself in a solution that sheds your emotional weight so you can create the life you want. Life Beyond Hurt is the most reliable healing system in the world, delivering heart-centered guidance and real-life strategies you can use instantly.

You’ll learn how to rid yourself of the emotional wounds, trauma, past regrets, guilt, shame, and sadness that has kept you anchored to a past version of yourself.

You’ll receive 8 weeks of step-by-step Video Training, multiple LIVE Coaching Sessions to answer your questions and experience breakthroughs, a Members-Only Community to connect with others on the same journey, and a Private Coaching Help-Desk for customized help between sessions and to get feedback on your progress. You’ll have the confidence to know exactly what to do to finally let go of what’s been holding you back…without endless soul searching.


We work with clients by Application Only to ensure a proper fit. Apply below.

We Go Beyond the Surface.

This isn’t about quick fixes or fleeting relief. It’s about confronting the real issues that have been quietly and negativity controlling your life. 

 I'll guide you step-by-step to face them head-on, understanding their roots, and ultimately disarming their hold over you.

This is where lasting healing begins.

Your new beginning starts here.

About Jen Ahana

Jen is an emotion & mindset coach, and best-selling author who’s worked with high-performers, olympic athletes and individuals in over 7 countries. She’s spent over 20 years as an expert in mind-body wellness, psychology, neurology, and health. Jen uses her own real-life experience of facing her own demons and darkest fears to overcome emotional trauma.

Now, she's helping others with real-life strategies…not fairy tales and empty platitudes. She’s worked with individuals from Microsoft, NFL, Lady Gaga Tour, Broadway Performers, and National Geographic. Jen has been featured on CBS, CW, TalentCulture, FierceCEO, and iHeartRadio for her expertise.